Prof. Ian O’Connor, Ferro4EdgeAI partner receives two awards for his service in the Electronic Design space.

At the Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE) 2024 Prof. Ian O'Connor from ECL-INL received the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation Award for outstanding service to the Electronic Design Automation community as General Chair of DATE 2023, as well as the DATE Fellow Award for outstanding service contribution presented by the European Design and Automation Association on behalf of the conference sponsors committee.

DATE is the main European event bringing together designers and design automation users, researchers and vendors as well as specialists in hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. DATE puts strong emphasis on both technology and systems, covering ICs/SoCs, emerging technologies, embedded systems and embedded software.

Ferro4EdgeAI partner ECL-INL also presented work from partner Horizon 2020 project FVLLMONTI ("The 3D Neural Network Compute Cube (N2C2) concept enabling efficient hardware transformer architectures towards speech-to-speech translation") and participated in a Focus Session on "Smoothing Disruption Across The Stack: Tales Of Memory, Heterogeneity, And Compilers" with U. Notre Dame (US), Georgia Tech (US), UCLA (US), IMEC (BE), TU Dresden (DE). Additional works of interest for Ferro4EdgeAI (in the field of FeFET based in-memory computing) presented at DATE 2024 were from speakers from U. Hong Kong (CN), Beijing University (CN), Zhejiang University (CN), UCSD (US), Tsinghua University (CN).

The 2025 edition of the conference will be held from March 31 - April 2, 2025, in Lyon, France.

Congratulations to Ian and the entire ECL-INL team for their remarkable achievements which will be of use in the Ferro4EdgeAI!


New publication, presented at EDTM 2024 Bangalore, India


Ferrofutures Funded