New publication, presented at EDTM 2024 Bangalore, India

IEEE EDTM 2024 was a full four-day conference held during March 3-6, 2024. IEEE EDTM 2024 aimed to be a premier global forum for researchers and engineers from around the world coming to share new discoveries and discuss about any device/manufacturing-related topics, including but not limited to, materials, processes, devices, packaging, modeling, reliability, manufacturing and yield, tools, testing, and any emerging device technologies, as well as workforce training. The Theme for IEEE EDTM 2024 is: Strengthening Globalization in Semiconductors.

The 8th Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference (IEEE EDTM 2024) was held for the first time in India at Bangalore; the Silicon Valley of India and the hub of semiconductor companies. 

A new publication ‘Perspective Roadmap of Advanced HfO2-based Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistors’ was presented at the IEEE Electronic Devices Technology and Manufacturing 2024 (IEEE EDTM 2024).


Successful Consortium Meeting in Delft: A Step Forward for Ferro4EdgeAI


Prof. Ian O’Connor, Ferro4EdgeAI partner receives two awards for his service in the Electronic Design space.