Meet the partners
CEA-IRAMIS, Saclay Institute for Radiation and Matter
IRAMIS is an Institute of the Fundamental Research Division (DRF) of CEA, the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives). The Saclay Institute of Radiation and Matter gathering six research units, IRAMIS develops fundamental research in close connection with societal challenges and the CEA programmes, open to technological transfer and creation of economic value in three main research areas:
Low carbon energy;
Nanosciences for information and health technologies;
Interaction of all kinds of radiation with matter: neutrons, ions, electrons, laser beams.
SPEC is a joint CNRS/CEA unit within which the Laboratory of Nanostructures Studies and Surface Imagery (LENSIS) is specialised in photoelectron spectroscopy and microscopy techniques for the characterisation of the electronic and chemical structure of functional oxide surfaces and interfaces. It has international expertise in the use of synchrotron radiation (SOLEIL, ELETTRA, BESSY, ESRF, MAX-IV, PETRA-III, SPring-8, NSLS-II, MAX-IV, ANKA).
The main focus of the laboratory is the advanced characterisation of ferroelectric hafnia based structures for integration into future low power electronics.
Photoemission electron microscope designed for imaging microscopic ferroelectric domains
Lucia Perez Ramirez,
Research Engineer, CEA
Oxygen vacancy concentration as measured by XPS in a TiN/HfZrO2/TiN capacitor [W. Hamouda et al. J. Appl. Phys. 127, 064105 (2020);
Dr Nick Barret,
Project Coordinator, CEA